Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Do you like how this has become MY blog?

So I got these photos from my brother Nick, who got them from our cousin Ashley, who is the girl in the photos. Anyway I think they are in Manti, UT. At a cemetery clearly, not sure why though. Memorial Day?
 Anyway, there's me with my insanely WHITE hair, and Nick bombing the photo, between the flowers.

 I think this photo is very very good, not only because of its retro feel, but because of its construction as well.

There are our awesome Moms. Crazy to think that at most my mom is 26 in this picture, I am 29 now, Nick is.....32! Whoa.


Unknown said...

Lol you were stinking adorable. When I finally have kids, I really really want little girls with white hair like that. My little sister's hair was just as blond and I absolutely loved it.

andré said...

i also like how i've taken over our blog too, but i don't want to really bring it up or andrea might make me post twice as much and just make her the "author" on half of them