Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Another post... at long last!

I know... I know... I said that I would be keeping this blog up for everybody to keep up with us. And I failed! The last time I tried to blog I got very frustrated and almost ripped the computer out of the wall. I think I have finally settled down. HA HA HA!

I have so much to post about. We have had a few things happen since the first of February. I promise that I will get the happenings of our lives down. Let me just recap very quickly for you all.

I had my mouth surgery President's Day weekend in Grand Junction, Colorado. It went very well. Harrison had to leave back to Provo before the proceedure was actually done, because they had to reschedule my surgery. I was pretty bummed that he wasn't there to rub my head and feet while I felt so bad for the first couple of days, but I had such a good time spending a week with my parents and younger siblings. My youngest brother, Westley, and I had quite a few slumber parties and late night movies. It was fun making tents and sharing blankets with a 5 year old. I helped my mom put together a bridal shower for my new sister in law the last day I was in Colorado. Poor Shawna got the flu and couldn't attend her own shower. I stepped up to the plate though and filled the position of Bride... with my swollen mouth and stitches. I was able to ride the train back to Provo. It was the first time I had ever ridden the train. I really enjoyed it. The train was scheduled to arrive in Provo at about 9:30pm, but it was running way behind, and I finally rolled into town at about 2:30am. Poor Harrison had to be to School 5 hours later!

Harrison and I attended my brothers wedding reception in the middle of March. Charlie and Shawna were married in January and had their reception on March 15th. It was a fun party. I was a bridesmaid along with my sisters and one of Shawna's sisters. It was fun. The interesting thing is... I have been a bridesmaid three times... and they have all been after the fact of myself being married. Pretty funny! I have some fun pictures that I will post of that event!

Harrison and I sat down at the end of March and decided that it would be in our best interest to get all of our debt paid off before graduate school. We have the last half of our truck to pay off and my glorious braces to pay off as well. So, we both got second jobs. Harrison picked up a job at BYU as a janitor at night during the week. I got a job at the cute little Italian Gelato Cafe' across the street from Nu Skin a few nights a week. We are both very tired working so much, but we know it is for the best. After we get our debt paid off we will be saving the extra dough for a wee little baby... whenever that may happen.

I think that may be all of the grand events happening in the world of Allen! I promise to have photos of our most recent events soon!

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